Early Summer, Chantelle Wood is born.


Midsommer, Wood starts working at the dungeon.


Christmas, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Doug Wood goes down to the forge to find Maxie Barta.

At the forge, they find a tired Lady Valerie of Malbourgh together with Pete Barta.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh guess, she had made love with Pete Barta and gets angry at his sister.

Maxie Barta hears the rauge of Sir Leonard and appears with Conrad Combler hugging her.

Maxie Barta tells Sir Leonard of Malbourgh to get out and that she's with Conrad Combler now.

Maxie Barta also tells Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, she shall go see Moira Lieberman to get a painkiller potion. Moira Lieberman is probably with Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at The Crowmed Lion.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh is sad, because Maxie Barta have dumped him for his own guard, and follows Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Doug Wood to The Crowmed Lion.

At The Crowmed Lion, Amie Hauck tells Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, her brother, Sir Benjamin and Moira Lieberman are still sleeping at Sir Benjamin's suite, and she can go in to wake them up.

When Sir Leonard and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh with their bodygaurd, Doug Wood, enters the guardroom of Sir Benjamin's suite, they wakes up Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler in bed together.

As Kari Bellerby discovers, she've been sleeping with Silas Combler instead of her boyfriend, Conrad Combler, she realizes Silas Combler have screwed her, and she have a fit.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh soothes Kari Bellerby and Sir Leonard have Doug Wood to cuff Silas Combler and to escord him to the dungeon.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Lieberman are summoned by the tantrums of Kari Bellerby.

Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh follow Doug Wood when he escords Silas Combler to the dungeon.


Early Spring, Doug Wood comes to ask Kari Bellerby how she is, and his find him quite cute.

When Doug Wood invites Kari Bellerby to The Crowmed Lion, she accepts.

Spring Equinox, Kari Bellerby allows Doug Wood to keep dating him, because he isn't a part of her brother's gang.

At the Castle, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh likes to say goodbye to Moira Lieberman before he and Sir Leonard are going for Turain Shire. Kari Bellerby offers to go with him as his bodygaurd, if Doug Wood comes with them.

At The Crowmed Lion, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Kari Bellerby and Doug Wood meet up with Moira Lieberman, Maxie Barta and Conrad Combler.

Moira Lieberman gets sad, when sir Benjamin of Malbourgh tells, he has to go to Turain Shire, but he promise to come back and marry Moira.

Conrad Combler makes excueses for his brother, but Kari Bellerby keeps standing on her own her point of view, that Silas Combler coaxed her to bang, because she was drunk, and he shall stay at the dungeon, where Doug Wood shall take care of him.

Maxie Barta suggests, they have some wine to ease up the mood.

Soon, Kari Bellerby got drunk and amourious, and when she and Doug Wood are guarding over Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Lieberman, they makes love, too.

Early Summer, Chantelle Wood starts working as servant for Lady Valerie of Malbourgh.

Midsummer, Doug Wood is very mush in love with Kari Bellerby and he gets edgy as the release of Silas Combler approches.

Kari Combler tells Doug Wood, she has made a potion that will protect Kari Bellerby from Silas Combler's lust for her, if Doug Wood forces Silas Combler to drink the potion.

Doug Wood doesn't know, what kind of potion this is, but it smells and looks disgusting, and the thought, Silas Combler will be forced to drink it, cheers him up.

At the birthday of Doug Wood Kari Bellerby has Doug Wood hog tiying Silas Combler in the dungeon. Then, Kari Bellerby forces Silas Combler to drink her disgusting potion.

Kari Bellerby tells Doug Wood, he needs to bang her in front of Silas Combler to seal the effect of the potion.

After Doug Wood had his ejsculation on Kari Bellerby, they release Silas Combler from the dungeon.


Early Spring at the castle, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh orders Doug Wood to go down to The Crowned Lion to stay as bodyguard.

After having kissed Doug Wood good bye and told him, how much she'll miss him, he leaves Kari Bellerby for The Crowned Lion.

When Doug Wood arrives, Finly Dade have left in anger.

Slim Bellerby asks Silas Combler to take Maxie Barta home, and he will be Standing guard with Doug Wood the rest of the nigt.

Early Summer When Kari Bellerby had woked up with her boyfriend, Doug Wood, and kissed him good morning, she embarks to pick up Lady Valerie of Malbourgh at the forge, as lately she have become used to.

Midsommer Doug Wood comes by and beg Kari Bellerby to let him move in with her at her new appartment, but she still doesm't fancy seattle with a Doug Wood at the age of 18, so she refuge.

Sean Dade gets hold on his warden, Doug Wood, and tells him, that Sir Gareth of Lewinston had delivered a prisoner, who shall be at the dungeon for adultery the weddings over, and Doug Wood has to come as warden.

When Sean Dade has given Doug Wood his assignement, Doug Wood rushes to the lodging of Kari Bellerby, where he meets Etta Combler, who is prepearing the suite for Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain.

While they wait for Kari Bellerby, Etta Combler is serving them supper.

Coming home to her apartment and see her boyfriend Doug Wood and Etta Combler eating supper together, makes the intoxicated Kari Bellerby suspiciously. having dated the brother of Etta Combler and made adultery with her other brother makes Kari jaloux, and accuses Doug Wood of screewing wtih Etta Combler.

Doug Wood sends Etta Combler into her own lodging, and calms Kari Bellerby down.

Doug wood explains, Sir Gareth of Lewinton had arrested his own bodygaurd, lieutenant Ricco Hill, for adultery, and he's to guard him at the dungeon, until the weddings are over. He will be busy at the dungeon in the coming days.

When Doug Wood makes love with Kari Bellerby, she imagents, that the gorgeous Sir Gareth of Lewinton is banging with her, and Kari thinks she must be more careful, if she wants Sir Gareth of Lewinton to bang with her.

Next morning, Etta Combler is serving them breakfast, before Doug Wood rushes to the dungeon.

Three days later, Doug Wood is very pleased to see Kari Bellerby at the dungeon, and he jumps his bones on her, while she's cheering at him.

At the dungeon, Doug Wood gets a huggly and passionate embraising for his birthday from Kari Bellerby, and a liking kiss.

Sean Dade congratulates Doug Wood, but reminds him to place Ricco Hill at the obliviate of the castle, before his starts making fun with Kari Bellerby.

Kari Bellerby helps Doug Wood place the discontented Ricco Hill at the obliviate, before she allurently takes him to her accommodation at the castle.

At the lodgings of Kari Bellerby, Doug Wood begs Kari Bellerby, if she likes him move to with her here at the castle, but Kari wants to make love with him, and talk about it later.

Doug Wood is still loudly bumping uglies with Kari Bellerby, when Etta Combler and his sister, Chantelle arrive with a cate of Lannon's Cherry Wine.

Chantelle Wood is congratulating her brother, while Etta Combler is making lunch for them all.

After eating lunch, Kari Bellerby begins puoring the wine and snuggling with Doug Wood.

Chantelle Wood reminds her brother, that they're all invited to a party tomorrow during the weddings. Kissing and cuddling Kari Bellerby, Doug Wood promises they'll both come, while the tipsy Kari Bellerby smackingly are Kissing him.

When the smackings of Kari Bellerby with Doug Wood gets more pationent, Chantelle Wood points out, that Moira Liebermann isn't sleeping home tonight, and asks Etta Combler, if she wants to borrow her bed, so her brother can enjoy his birthday presant with out beeing disturbs.

Knowing Kari Bellerby, Etta Combler imagines that she will be the one disturbed by her noices all night, so she tanks yes, and leaves with Chantelle Wood, after she had kissed her brother goodbye.

As soon as Chantelle wood has left with Etta Combler, Doug Wood begins bumping uglies with Kari Bellerby.

In the morning at the appartment of Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, as expected Doug Wood is vibrantly shagging with Kari Bellerby, and Etta Combler gives up trying to stop them, and begins tidying up at the appartment instead.

At noon, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh kindly interruptes Doug Wood, to inform him, the castle will be short of staff during the weddings. Hence, he assigns Doug Wood the task of guarding his sister, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, during the weddings, and his sister is waiting for him at the forge.

Kari Bellerby makes protests, Doug Wood hasn't fixed her water problem yet, and she's still leaking. Besides, they are going to a party tonight at Sir Leonard of Malbourgh's place.

Doug Wood is curbing Kari Bellerby to tell her, he'll stuff her honeypot later, and gets dressed to go to the forge.

Etta Combler annoyed tells Kari Bellerby, she's joining Sir Leonard of Malbourgh to his appartment, to tell Moira Liebermann, that she and Kari Bellerby will be coming alone tonight without Doug Wood.

Etta Combler, Sir Leonard of Malbourg and Slim Bellerby, are leaving Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh alone with Kari Bellerby, while Doug Wood is leaving for the forge.

Doug Wood arrives at the forge to pick up Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and guard her under the weddings.

Maxie Barta finds her brother, Pete and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh messing in bed, and the gets into their underclothing.

Maxie and Alfredo Barta help Pete and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh into their armors. Lady Valerie hugs Maxie goodbye, Since Maxie not going to the wedding of Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Maxie wishes Lady Valerie good luck with her brother, and tells, she better stay away from Sir Leonard's wedding. Pete and Lady Valerie, then, are attenting the weddings at the castle with Doug Wood as their bodygaurd.

On the way to the castle, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh flashes on, they have to take her cousin, Sir Gareth of Lewinton, with them to the castle, so he doesn't has to come to the weddings alone. Hence, Pete Barta, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and her bodygaurd, Doug Wood, visit him at The Cronwed Lion.

At the Cronwed Lion in the afternoon, Sir Gareth of Lewinton sits sadly and waits for the weddings to begin. when Lady Valerie of Malbourgh arrives, she's sending Doug Wood to pick up a bottle of Lannon's Cherry Wine from Amie Hauck, which tye cheerfully drinks all afternoon, before they moves on to the weddings at the castle.

Amie Hauck tells Doug Wood, he has to leave the bottle at the launge area, because they are heading for the weddings as well.

In the evening of the weddings, Sir Patrick, Lady Cathry of Malbourg, their sons and groomes, Sir Leon and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at the reception hall of the castle along with the rest for the family: their daughter Lady Valerie of Malbourgh with her boyfriend, Pete Barta, and her bodygaurd Doug Wood.

Dungeon Master Sean and Lady Rebecca Dade, with their children, Angelica, Tim and Holly and Captain Hamish and Syreeta Bellerby and their son lieutenant Slim Bellerby, while their daughter, Kari Bellerby, is supposed to join them later as a servant for Sir Benjamin and their nephew, Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

They are entering the table of the groomes, served by Roger Hauck. Nexto it Niel Hauck has placed:

Table of the brides:

Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud, their nephew Sir Peter of Turain with his girlfriend and guard, Hayley Mayson and the brides Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha of Turain, with their bodygaurds Ruddy Locky, Sills Mayson with his girlfriend, Jenis Baker, who also is their pharmacist.

Served by Niel Hauck

Table of Guttric:

Sir Geoge Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern.

Served by Charles Riggs

Table of Wondon

Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon with their children, Lady Stefanie with her boyfriend and bodygaurd, David Smith, their child Sophie, and Sir Thomas of Wondon.

Served by Amie Hauck and her granson, Jay Hauck.

While they all are eaten, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden are playing for the wedding guests.

After the have eaten, Eileen Twinley performs a dance, before Sir Patrick of Malbourgh performing the marriage ceremonies.

After, Sir Patrick of Malbourgh has married Lady Maritha of Turain to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, and she has becomed Lady Maritha Malbourgh, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden play music again, and they're dancing their wedding dance together, while the audience are watching.

When Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha Malbourgh have finised dancing, Sir Patrick of Malbourgh marriage Sir Leonard of Malbourgh to Lady Samantha of Turain, who then becomes Lady of Malbourgh.

Then Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden begin playing again, and Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh are dancing together before the audience.

At the bedroom of Moira Lieberman, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Doug and Chantelle Wood find Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler passionately making love.

Kari Bellerby and Silas Combler are interrupted by a fury of Doug Wood, and Kari Bellerby is blaming Doug Wood for force her to seek a lover, to get satisfaction.

Silas Combler resumes shafting Kari Bellerby when Moira Lieberman and Etta Combler arrive. Moira Lieberman is going to retrive some potion for Sir Gareth of Lewinton, and she's going to stay at him the rest of the night.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh gets mad, and throw Doug Wood. Kari Bellerby, Silas and Etta Combler out of his suite, and orders Chantelle Wood to stay and to serve himself and Lady Maritha of Turain in the morning.

On the way to the suite of Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, Doug Wood slashes Silas Combler and Kari Bellerby gives Doug Wood a mouse.

Doug Wood goes to the warden room at the dungeon, and Ette Combler helps Kari Bellerby getting Silas Combler into her apartment.

Late Summer, Doug Wood feels betrayed by Kari Combler and they have been fighting ones again. Lady Samantha of Malbourgh fears, they will kill each other, if they stays at the same castle at the moment.

A caravan of wagons is formed. A vagon for Sir Gareth of Lewinton and Eileen Twinley with Ricco Hill as driver, followed by a vagon with Moira Lieberman with Doug Wood as driver and a vagon with Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson and their children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric with Abe Walden as driver, which starts moving though the mountains to Lewinton Castle.

Early Autumn, when the caravan with Sir Gareth of Lewinton arrives at Lewinton, Joplin Twinley is happy to see his old tutour from the conservatory, Abe Walden.

Abe Walden and Joplin Twinley ends up playing at The Crown, where Doug Wood, Ricco Hill and his sister, Amie Hil, and his wife, Paige Gregg, are listening.




Sir Benjamin of Lewinton wants a change in the army, and appoints Doug Wood as the new captain instead of Rubert Hill.

Doug Wood marries Amie Hill.






Desmond Jamison marries Chantelle Wood.




Early Winter, Doug Wood stays becomes the new first lieutenant.





Desmond Jamison is killed.


Doug Wood dies in the raid against Wondon Tower.